Android user breakdown by country

there’s was a minor tt-rss.apk release recently, i thought it would be interesting for some to see who still uses (the latest build of) tt-rss, at least on android:

Germany is - as usual - at the top, with US close behind.

Very interesting indeed. Sad that Italy is way behind, but I am glad to be there :slight_smile:
May I ask you why the 2 bins for each day?

that’s how kibana decided to visualize this. :man_shrugging: no idea.

e: updated first post with horizontal axis set to 1 day instead of 12 hours (which was the default).

here’s a breakdown of supported vs. unsupported (based on tt-rss user agent) /version.json (i.e. automated update) requests on for the last month. this isn’t very informative, i guess, because it’s just request volume.

i actually had no idea i was logging those. :thinking:

here’s a per-country breakdown of same /version.json requests:

i guess some Germans use US-based hosting.

going two months back, unsupported versions dominate:

i suppose i’m missing something or i’m really bad at kibana visualizations because unsliced donut shows this instead

idk how this is possible. if i slice by country, it’s somewhat similar:

CF aggregated stats for

and that’s enough dumb graphs for today.