An easy way to export Starred articles

I’m new to tt-rss. I really like the experience till now. I was wondering if there’s an easy way to export Starred articles as an html file or other file format. I know there’s a way to get it from the db. But I’m not super tech savvy to go deep into db queries. Installation with docker container was tricky for me but I did it. So I’m looking for a way to get all my starred articles without getting too techy.

Many thanks.

You can export them as an Atom feed (XML) or as JSON.

Have a look at the Wiki:

Ohh I see. I wasn’t aware of that feature. That’s what I was looking for!.. Many thanks bro!

I had faced this need sometime back and patched together some spaghetti code in R. It worked but I do not know if this is ideal for your use case.

Load packages


Set env variables

db <- 'postgres'  #provide the name of your db

host_db <- 'hostname' # if you are accessing it via docker, change Postgress port under docker-compose.yml to ""  

db_port <- '5432'  # or any other port specified by the DBA

db_user <- 'postgres_username'  

db_password <- 'postgres_password'

con <- dbConnect(RPostgres::Postgres(), dbname = db, host=host_db, port=db_port, user=db_user, password=db_password)  

Call the Database

Now that you are connected to the DB, select the feeds you want based on the many categories provided by TTRSS, one of those which is starred articles. This call returns a dataframe (“mydataframe”) which you can export to format of choice, like csv or md or html using knitter.

SELECT  "title", "link", "updated", "note" 
FROM "ttrss_entries", "ttrss_user_entries"
WHERE "id" = "ref_id" and "published"='TRUE'

Extra - Explore the tables

You can explore the tables and listings using these calls:

dbReadTable(con, "ttrss_user_entries")
dbReadTable(con, "ttrss_entries")


Disconnect from the DB after you are done.


Not the most ideal but I managed to pull out some csvs from it in R environment where I needed the data.

Try FreshRSS, it’s far, far better IMO and I used to be a long-time user of TT-RSS… at least until I found better.

should use “marked”=‘TRUE’ instead of “published”=‘TRUE’