Adroid app keeps crashing when trying to mark as read

Describe the problem you’re having:
Official Android app crashes when I try to mark as read a feed using the 3 dots icon on the top right corner

If possible include steps to reproduce the problem:
It crashes both on the feed list with long tap and on the feed itself using the icon on the right corner

tt-rss version (including git commit id):
1.293 (527)

Platform (i.e. Linux distro, PHP, PostgreSQL, etc) versions:
Android 11 on Google Pixel 3a

Please provide any additional information below:

there’s a built-in log viewer in preferences, restart the app after crash and copy-paste log contents here.

e: does this happen if you have phone language set to English?

it’s a translation-related issue. at least one translation file is wrong somehow or used incorrectly.

it’s a typo in the Italian translation file. i guess you literally have yourself to blame for this, @dariottolo since you were the translator. :smiley:

    <string name="catchup_dialog_title">Contrassegnare %1$ s come letto\?</string>

this should be %1$s. i’ll fix it and upload new version to google play.

Oh dear :disappointed_relieved:

just updated to 1.194 (528) and it’s working again.

Thanks and apologies