2023 User Poll: How do you run tt-rss

Summer time fun time user poll. How do you host tt-rss?

  • AWS/GCP/Azure
  • Bare Metal Docker
  • Bare Metal Host Install
  • Home VM Docker
  • Home VM Host Install
  • Home VM with other containers (LXC/LXD etc)
  • Other - comment below
  • PI / other SBC
  • Shared Hosting
  • Synology
  • VPS Docker
  • VPS Host Install
  • VPS with other containers (LXC/LXD etc)
0 voters

I’m running via a Git clone to a LAMP install on a Linode. Has been working great for several years now and easy to update.


I’ve been running it selfhosted since before the docker generation of tt-rss and I will keep running it as such also.
I hope the support for that will keep going or I will have to look for some other program that does the same.

Docker is not for everything.


VPS deployed via a simple jenkins job that rsync’s over the config, then docker-compose down/up…

I have it scheduled to run once a week just to get the automatic app/plugin upgrade on startup, but also have a branch of the git repo to add other services like caddy for automatic certificate renewal. I follow the docker-compose repo changes (via tt-rss of course) and rebase/deploy whenever there are changes. Could probably do something with cloning the original repo and adding a compose file override, but this works for me.

Run the backups manually every day as part of my general backup script, and have switched VPS providers a few times so run it manually then.

I’m running NixOS on a VPS host and use the tt-rss package.

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Running in Docker on a Raspberry Pi (4, 8GB)

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I’m running via a Git clone to a LAMP install on a Linode. Has been working great for several years now and easy to update.

Also on a bare metal git clone on Linode, but using nginx and postgres LNPP stack.

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proxmox → debian vm → tt-rss (compose deployed with ansible)

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Always run on shared hosting. I too hope it will still be working in the future.

Ansible is on my list to learn, and convert my home setup to by October

Sandstorm! Sandstorm App Market

Homelab server running esxi > running ubuntu vm > running kubernetes (microk8s) > running tt-rss deployment

Bare metal host at OVH/SoYouStart running Qemu/KVM, source install within VM on that host.

Soon to be moved to an R720 at home with same overall setup once my local ISP goes symmetric.

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I’ve found the best way to jump in is to jump right in an start using it on-host to do simple things like add a new package and build up from there, doing a whole system transition directly to Ansible is a hell of a lot of work.

Home server bare metal Debian → docker-compose deployed via Ansible

yeah you start writing little practical things in yaml, then maybe a few roles, and then suddenly find yourself doing code review.

it’s a slippery slope i tell ya.

Running on TrueNAS Scale → Truecharts app.

Or at least I will be as soon as the app is working again…

I’m still running tt-rss on a shared hosting service. Pretty much the same as I already did two years ago. See my reply to the poll of Jun 25, 2021.

In my opinion, this is a very convenient way of running tt-rss with very less maintenance effort. Would be great if further development of tt-rss will keep this possibility.

I just got mine working yesterday using Docker compose on VPS. The tricky part was configuring nginx in front of it to do both ssl forwarding and ssl termination depending on the hostname so that some url’s get forwarded to my home network, and others ( list tt-rss ) to a web server running on the VPS.

I’m using Proxmox VE LXC container. Unfortunately Proxmox doesn’t support Docker directly, so for now, my setup is a bit of a hack :slight_smile: