TypeError: window.requestIdleCallback is not a function


e: i haven’t checked but if link is not enough for polyfills script could be embedded.

They don’t care how things work, as long as the marketing is good.

Anyway, I don’t have an Apple device near me at the moment, but I think this is available as an experimental feature in Safari. On an iPad/iPhone: Settings > Safari > Advanced > Experimental Features. Toggle requestIdleCallback on. While you’re there, toggle Lazy Image Loading on, too.

:laughing: I know right? Apple is so behind the curve when it comes modern browser technologies. But I use it on my Mac as it gives me the best battery life.

Thanks @JustAMacUser, toggling ‘requestIdleCallback’ on solves it for Safari on iOS. The same can be done for Safari on macOS; first enable the Develop menu in Preferences > Advanced tab. Then in Develop menu > Experimental Features > requestIdleCallback (just click to ensure there’s a checkmark next to the item).

BTW i get this error (window.requestIdleCallback` not found) on Chrome browser 87.0.4280.77 on ios 14.4.
In Safari it works after enabling experimental features, but not in Chrome.

ITT: apple user learns that chrome on his shitty platform is actually a wrapper over safari

but at least you got both apple and google spying on you while you use it

Since updating today browser checking isn’t working anymore under macOS / Safari Version 14.0.3 (16610.

From https://git.tt-rss.org/fox/tt-rss
 * branch                master     -> FETCH_HEAD
   9b321be27..1664b8782  master     -> origin/master
Updating 9b321be27..1664b8782

Error: Browser check failed: window.requestIdleCallback not found.

Stack Trace:
forEach@[native code]


Please search before posting. This was addressed recently here.

To ‘just make it work’ on a server:

  1. Create themes-local/local-overrides.js
  2. Put a content of https://github.com/pladaria/requestidlecallback-polyfill/blob/master/index.js there (a polyfill for this property).
  3. Done.

This is not related specifically to TT-RSS, but enabling the requestIdleCallback experimental feature in Safari seems to break logging in to Google (at least in iOS/iPadOS; I can’t test macOS). After entering your username Google’s login page will sit there indefinitely. Disabling requestIdleCallback resolves the issue.

If you encounter this issue and need both Google and TT-RSS to work, using the polyfill above is probably a better course of action.

Related: https://discussions.apple.com/thread/251961072?answerId=253815986022#253815986022

Had this catch 22.

Can confirm that proposed work-around works on macOS with the fix of typo: The directory is called themes.local

Is there a way to access this or implement this change with the docker-compose install? I’m just migrating from a hosted install and can’t see where implementing this is an option.

this should be in the compose FAQ.

Tried polyfill but not work for iOS. Still have to enable requestIdleCallback.

I created a file in themes.local/local-overrides.js with the following contents:

window.requestIdleCallback = window.requestIdleCallback ||
  function (cb) {
    return setTimeout(function () {
      var start = Date.now();
        didTimeout: false,
        timeRemaining: function () {
          return Math.max(0, 50 - (Date.now() - start));
    }, 1);

window.cancelIdleCallback = window.cancelIdleCallback ||
  function (id) {

And it works in Safari on iPadOS and macOS.

e: 2022 and we’re still doing this crap because Apple. :roll_eyes: /rant

I am not sure why Apple is dragging their feet but the method is still marked as experimental at:

It could be because the spec is not set in stone. As you mentioned google login breaks when enabling the feature in Safari.


Thing is, even their own iCloud login page is broken with this feature enabled.

Any chance we can get specific on where to put the folder and files relative to the containers? I’m trying to figure it out but I don’t know what the internal structure is for these containers and not even sure how to figure it out yet. I read the FAQs but those are too generic for this.

If someone could please post what container path to map where I need to put the folder and .js file would be awesome. I know I’m not the only one dealing with this.

It’s being mentioned here in the Wiki:

By default, tt-rss code is stored on a persistent docker volume (app). You can find its location like this:

docker volume inspect ttrss-docker_app | grep Mountpoint

The file from above local-overrides.js is working.

Another side effect if you enable the RequestIdle thing in Safari, then scrolling and marking as read will fail. Disabling the experimental feature and mark as read while scrolling (composed view) is working.

I am running the stock static docker setup and I can’t seem to get this to work. I added a local-overrides.js file in the themes.local in the ttrss_docker_app volume and restarted all the containers but when I load the site in Safari I get the same error message. Surely I overlooked something simple. What info can I provide to trouble shoot this?