Show full feed content

Hi all,

I have a question about a feed I subscribed to. In ttrss the content of the feed is not accessible upon viewing at the single article. I need to follow the link to then open the webpage of the publisher.
Now in some other RSS app the same feed is being shown in clear so I don’t need to load another page.

I was wondering if there is a setting I need to configure that would allow me to do this.

Thank you in advance for your help.

This is done through plugins. You have a couple of options:

  1. The included af_readability. My understanding is it has no configuration options (I don’t use it myself so I’m not sure). Enable in preferences → plugins
  2. The plugin I’m currently maintaining feediron. Feediron allows you to specify what you want (via xpath’s) and lets you do some modifications to the article. Feediron also has automatic readability options. You have to download this to your plugins.local folder then enable, then configure.

Feediron is the more complicated option but gives you greater flexibility.