Please I want to know how to find old version tiny tiny rss to download?

thank you so much, now I create a config.php in tt-rss/config.php, and I already set up the setting,
but still doesnt work

<?php putenv('TTRSS_DB_HOST=localhost'); putenv('TTRSS_DB_NAME=xqnccuxxxx'); putenv('TTRSS_DB_USER=xqnccuxxxx'); putenv('TTRSS_DB_PASS=rnRCjMhxxxx'); putenv('TTRSS_SELF_URL_PATH=https://rss.mywebsitecom/tt-rss'); ?>

when I go to https://rss.mywebsitecom/tt-rss it shows

Exception while creating PDO object:SQLSTATE[08006] [7] could not connect to server: Connection refused
Is the server running on host “localhost” (::1) and accepting
TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
could not connect to server: Connection refused
Is the server running on host “localhost” ( and accepting
TCP/IP connections on port 5432?

Did you see this part of my post:

If you’re not using PostgreSQL you’ll need to also set DB_TYPE and DB_PORT.

It would also help us if you posted your code in actual code blocks. To do that, please type three backticks ``` on its own line, paste your code, then another three backticks ``` on its own line.

e: It also occurs to me that some shared hosts might host the database on separate servers. Usually whatever control panel software they have will tell you what you need to put in DB_HOST for your application to reach the database.

e2: Can you please tell us if you’re hosting this on a VPS/VDS or shared hosting? You don’t have to mention any company, but it will aid in providing advice.

it’s likely a shared hosting, database credentials should be in the hosting control panel somewhere.

thank you so much in fact I am using VPS with cloudways, but my server is running with mariadb. so is this mean I can not use tiny tiny rss?

thank you so much in fact I am using VPS with cloudways, but my server is running with mariadb. so is this mean I can not use tiny tiny rss?

MariaDB is a drop-in replacement for MySQL; TT-RSS will work with it. Just change DB_TYPE to MySQL and DB_PORT to 3306.

thank you so much
now I go to https://rss.mywebsitecom/tt-rss it shows

Startup failed

Please fix errors indicated by the following messages:

Base database schema is missing. Either load it manually or perform a migration (update.php --update-schema)

You might want to check tt-rss wiki or the forums for more information. Please search the forums before creating new topic for your question.

you need to run this in tt-rss directory:

php ./update.php --update-schema

i’ll mention that in the installation guide

Open your Tiny Tiny RSS installation and login with default credentials (username: admin, password: password).

I get it thank you all so much

maybe you should read the guide i’ve linked above.

I dont know why my tiny tiny rss can not update feeds,
it shows Update daemon is not updating feeds.
please help thank you so much

You’ve got to actually read and follow the guides buddy. You aren’t even making an effort.

I am sorry, I am not good at English and computer,
I google many times, but I still dont know how to slove

Update daemon is not updating feeds.

so I have no idea what can I do now

Look for .lock or .stamp files that do not have the owner/group “www-data” (the webserver account).
$ cd /var/www/html/tt-rss/lock
$ sudo chgrp www-data update_daemon.stamp
$ sudo chown www-data update_daemon.stamp
$ sudo service ttrss_backend restart


Maybe this should be mentioned in InstallationNotesHost? It seems likely that people installing directly would be using MySQL as most shared hosts only offer that; additionally, people not using containers on VPS/VDS are likely to be sharing the server with other applications and MySQL is pretty common for things.

Please read the documentation:

I dont know why my tiny tiny rss can not update feeds,
it shows Update daemon is not updating feeds.
please help thank you so much

sure, i’ve added MySQL stuff to the guide. completely forgot about it.

e: is this the dawning of a new era for this forum, what with all the help and people not running away in tears :thinking: