Need help for plugin with starred item


I can share my “work” if you want. I just want to say that the code will not be pretty as I am a noob and without the help on this forum, I couldn’t have done half of the work.
I changed the plugin so that the published articles are sent to Wallabag (my read it later service).

function hook_house_keeping() {
            /* since HOOK_UPDATE_TASK is not available to user plugins, this hook is a next best thing */

            Debug::log("caching media of starred articles for user " . $this->host->get_owner_uid() . "...");
            $sth = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT content, ttrss_entries.title, 
            ttrss_user_entries.owner_uid, link, site_url,, plugin_data
                    FROM ttrss_entries, ttrss_user_entries LEFT JOIN ttrss_feeds ON
                            (ttrss_user_entries.feed_id =
                    WHERE ref_id = AND
                            published = true AND
                            site_url != '' AND 
                        ttrss_user_entries.owner_uid = ?  AND
                             plugin_data NOT LIKE '%share_published%'
                    ORDER BY ".sql_random_function()." LIMIT 100");

            if ($sth->execute([$this->host->get_owner_uid()])) {
                    $usth = $this->pdo->prepare("UPDATE ttrss_entries SET plugin_data = ? WHERE id = ?");

                    while ($line = $sth->fetch()) {

                            Debug::log("processing article " . $line["title"], Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);

                            if ($line["site_url"]) {

                                    $plugin_data = "share_published,${line['owner_uid']}:" . $line["plugin_data"];
                                    $usth->execute([$plugin_data, $line['id']]);

            /* Send to Wallabag
                                    $this->_send( $line["title"], $line["link"], 'filter');

            /* Delete from published article list
                                    $stmt = $this->pdo->prepare("UPDATE ttrss_user_entries SET published = false");

Thanks a lot @jukes33!

I will try it as soon as I can. Hopefully I’ll get it to work with Raindrop, otherwise I might switch to Wallabag (was #2 in my list of replacements for Pocket…)

Thanks again!

that got recently refactored in the Db class btw.

Hi fox,

I just updated some packages, including ttrss, and got an error on this line (you predicted my future 10 days before it happens).

I tried to change this line (removing ORDER BY ".sql_random_function()." for example) but failed everytime.

Do you have an idea on how I could make it work again ?

Thanks in advance

The function was moved into a class so you have to use that: Db::sql_random_function()

Hi and thanks for the quick answer. I just got it working by myself replacing it with RAND() but your solution is much more clean.

Thanks again and have a good day.

Using the method makes your plugin more portable as it will take care of PostreSQL or MySQL depending on what database TT-RSS is running.