How to scroll the content by page with hotkey in TTRSS

this should (?) fix it

It does. Thanks.:+1:

Just as a side note, I noticed something right now: is it possible that articles are marked as read “earlier”?
Sometimes ago articles had to be scrolled completely to be marked as read. With the recent update, as soon as the article is on top of the page, its status changes.
Not that I am complaining, but I would just be sure this is the intended behavior.

Anyways, thanks as usual :grinning:

that’s how it always worked, you don’t need to scroll it up entirely, its bottom should be above the viewport i think and maybe there’s a percentage (e: and a delay) involved.

I am running TTRSS in a Docker, and I still haven’t seen this update. From the Preferences page, I see the version I am running is v19.8. What’s the oldest version with this update?
Should I contact the Docker author to update? The docker I am using is this:

Should I contact the Docker author to update?

The answer to that should be pretty obvious if you thought about it and have been keeping track of posts in the forum.

The docker I am using is this:

Judging by his Builds tab, his script to package other people’s work and beg for donations hasn’t run in three days, so…

Why so harsh? Is he not allowed to do that? Only official docker packed by Andrew Dolgov is legal?

You know, you’re right. The shot about donations wasn’t really merited, although it still irks me personally. That’s up to fox to be offended about, though.

As for the rest… well, fox maintains what fox maintains. If someone else is maintaining a separate copy of that code, and they’re not updating it… how does that fall on fox to deal with?

The link he’s pulling code from is valid, although I think it wasn’t for a day or two. Poke him, see what he’ll do. If he starts updating, just keep in mind you’ll probably be somewhat behind trunk code. His update schedule looked irregular, although I didn’t compare it to when code is being committed to trunk.

…actually, I was just looking closer at the dockerhub page, and while the dockerfile does grab the master.tar.gz of trunk code from, his builds are linking to github? I give up, whatever he’s doing is exactly what was pissing fox off and made him change the version number/support rules.

The nice version is, yes, you need to go bother Henry Wang to update to trunk. No, this isn’t a forum devoted to his branch of code, although maybe someone else can tell you how to get back to trunk code. Probably not in this thread. As of this post, the version number should be 19.12-985e11b75, although that changes as soon as fox makes another commit.

Edit: corrected myself

Thanks about the version info.
For your information, Henry Wang wrote the plugin for TTRSS - Mercury Parser API, which is quite useful to get the full content of RSS feed. He repacked TTRSS along with his plugins and made it very easy to implement for a newbie like me. I am grateful for his work, and of course Andrew Dolgov and his TTRSS.

i’m not offended or anything like that. this whole nitpick started because linuxserver people were whining for donations on container startup while making a particularly shitty job of their actual container. which was annoying, sure, but them serving ancient code was the only actual problem.

in the spirit of full disclosure i’m going to note (again) that my ranting and raving on this forum shouldn’t be taken overly seriously. which is, frankly, what i expect of other people. this isn’t really a srs business kind of establishment, never was.

I don’t know anything about that particular plugin, but fox has included af_readability as a bundled for some time now and it works really well for grabbing the full content.

i could be wrong but i think mercury is some kind of proprietary readability as a service.

Yes. Mercury is an alternative of af_readability.

they went opensource few month back, GitHub - postlight/parser: 📜 Extract meaningful content from the chaos of a web page

I believe Henry forked [mercury-parser-api] and made the plugin mercury_fulltext

Quote from his comment:
“Tested on BBC, The New York Times, The Verge, Cult of Mac, iDownloadBlog etc, in which af_readability can’t handle the content properly.”

In fairness I’ve used many different parsers over the years and one would read this site but not that, the other would read the site the first couldn’t but not this other site it could. And so on…

They all work (internally) in a similar way but unless you hard-code specific problem sites none will be perfect.

(Yeah… just checked Mercury’s source code from the above-mentioned GitHub page. They have a whole directory of “custom” extractors.)

OK, I got the docker container updated to the latest version and now I can use shift+pgdn/pgup to scroll the article content!
Thank you, Andrew Dolgov!

I wish pgdn/pgup can scroll without holding shift key. Is that too much to ask?

i’d prefer to not trap pgup/pgdn at the moment ouf of the box but functionality is there and you can enable it with a very simple keymapping plugin.

alternatively focus whatever buffer you want to pgup/pgdn through first and native browser scrolling would work.

Is there a hotkey to set focus to the article content from the header area, and then use pgup/pgdn to scroll? I hate to use the mouse to set focus.

this, i think, is something that could be added. maybe two hotkeys to focus headlines and article buffer (focusing feed tree seems useless)? not sure how useful this is outside of pageup/dn tho.

The set focus hotkey is useful in my opinion.
But I hope the focus will stay when I move the headlines. For example, If the focus is already on the article buffer, and I hit n/p to move to the next one, I don’t need to set the focus to article buffer again in order to scroll.
Make sense?