Gitlab is overbloated shit garbage

Yeah. that would work.

the plan for the time being is as follows (unless something comes up with gogs)

  • i have migrated all the relevant repos and wiki crap
  • gitlab is going to be removed, primarily because updating it is a retarded adventure for a source build and i’m unwilling to use omnibus / omnibus docker for ~reasons~ (gogs lives in a very nice lightweight docker container)
  • unfortunately i can’t migrate the users so 10 people or so who regularly contribute will have to re-register and be given correct rights
  • i’ll do what i can to keep previous https clone urls working, ssh clone urls for contributors should keep working (?) once gogs is going through system ssh (haven’t tried this yet)

e: SSH clone url is going to change just a bit, fox is replaced with git because gogs is weird and some features are only accessible to “organizations”. can’t do redirects for ssh, lol.

git remote set-url origin [email protected]:git/tt-rss.git


Just tried using the new remote URL as above:

admin@gently-jessie:~/$ git remote set-url origin [email protected]:git/tt-rss.git
admin@gently-jessie:~/$ git fetch
Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.

What’s the correct URL?


i’m working on redirects for previous https clone urls

nginx shakes fist

Ah ok. Neither git or https URLs are working for me at the moment.

I’ll wait for things to stabilise :slight_smile:


for SSH clone urls the easiest way is doing something like that

git remote get-url origin | sed s/:fox/:git/ | xargs git remote set-url origin

for i in *; do
	if [ -d "$i" ]; then
		cd $i
		URL=$(git remote get-url origin 2>/dev/null)

		case "$URL" in
			** )
				URL=$(echo $URL | sed s/:fox/:git/)

				git remote set-url origin "$URL"

		cd ..

yeah redirects are a pain (only got them partially working so far), native gogs urls work fine tho

i.e. [email protected]:git/tt-rss.git and


https clone urls which look like this: tt-rss.git - should work now:

working on a few other variants


all other variants i could remember should work now

i.e. /fox/tt-rss.git ; /gitlab/fox/tt-rss.git

note that gogs doesn’t seem to have RSS feeds for everything, too bad i guess

e: tfw you shutdown gitlab and VM suddenly has 3/4 RAM free

For people that might wonder how to update to the new repository, this is what worked for me:

git remote rm origin
git remote add origin
git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/master master
git up

Nothing earth shattering if you know how to use git… The last command is an alias for "!git remote update -p; git merge --ff-only @{u}" which I find useful.

Tiny Tiny RSS – Feeds added some barebones rss feeds for repository activity (master branch)

LibXML error 76 at line 307 (column 11): Opening and ending tag mismatch: rss line 1 and channel

ehm, feeds don’t parse using

Somewhat annoying that Gogs exposes e-mail addresses @ .

til that firefox renders invalid feed xml, thanks mozilla

should be fixed now

where? i’m not seeing anything while logged out

When you’re logged in you can view every user’s address. Guess they figure collaboration or something.

well unless you used a dummy your email is going to be in the commit list regardless, otherwise just use throwaways or something. i haven’t enabled any email verification when registering.

also: Hide email addresses everywhere · Issue #3358 · gogs/gogs · GitHub

Would you be up for linking to each commit? The item for “update” would have <link>;/link&gt;, etc.

sure, why not. should be fixed now.

Does this replace the previous way to update TT-RSS using Git?

except for the repository URL nothing changed

also, i’ve added support for most previous URLs so most likely you don’t need to do anything at all

Nope. This is just what I did to make it work for me. Thought it might be useful for others so added it here.

There is nothing official (aka Fox approved) about these commands!