General Settings missing in prefs

# ls -1 themes.local/

even after removing all files the problem is still present

yeah, i’ve tried with those filenames and it didn’t break anything.

i think at this point you should dump and PM me the database, maybe that’ll help. i’m out of other ideas.

the structure ? because the database is 2 or 3 Go
3,9G ./postgres/data/

Registered Tue, Dec 10 2013 - 14:56
Subscribed feeds count 139
Stored articles 669932

Did you think it could be related to nginx and or phpfpm as you said the database was not in fault ?

# git status
# On branch master
# Changes not staged for commit:
#   (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
#   (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
#	modified:   cache/upload/.empty
#	modified:   feed-icons/index.html
# Untracked files:
#   (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
#	g2ttrss-mobile/
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

Same thing afer removing g2ttrss-mobile

the structure won’t help i’m afraid. i’m not sure if a dump would help at all tbh.

you can try this to reduce the size:

  1. pg_dump your actual tt-rss database
  2. load the dump in a temporary different database
  3. delete from ttrss_entries cascade
  4. dump the resulting much smaller dataset

anything is possible but it’s extremely unlikely that fpm or nginx has something to do with it (unless you’re modifying returned HTML with it by using something like ngx_http_sub_module``).

Ok i will do that during the day, also i have plan to review my configuration of the 2 nginx

you can also try this:

pull tt-rss (no third party plugins / themes) in a separate directory, let it use your working database, see if preferences are there.

I have found the problem and … it’s me …
precisely i switch my pgsql alpine 12 container to a centos pgsql 12 one
but the minor version release is 12.2 on alpine versus 12.1 on centos
while we can upgrade minor release the release note of the 12.2 warn about foreign key :

so downgrade was not a genius idea without dump restore …

Thank you for your time and the help and sorry for that

ah so this was database-related after all. well, at least we got another unrelated issue fixed because of this thread. :slight_smile:

Yes and now i have a test env for my bullshit :mask:

note i have try to do the “delete from ttrss_entries cascade” to see what it’s doing
and the result is nothing more than “DELETE 669953” but no effect on the setting view with pgsql 12.1 still broken

I have notice than even when i set the light theme the autonight mode is still switching (based on the browser theme)
Do you prefer i open another topic after enhanced testing ?

first of all try installing the bundled empty schema on a blank test database to see if this issue remains. it could be either specific to pgsql 12 or your possibly corrupted database.

eh don’t bother

e: i’ve tested on a postgresql 12.2 (latest from docker, alpine image) and i’m not seeing any issues with preferences.

i can change the theme on my user, but on the admin it still return to “défaut”, while i dont care about the admin account, i will not dig more (unless you need it to improve ttrss)

thank you

i couldn’t replicate this either, on my test instance themes switch just fine for admin user. :man_shrugging:


After pg_dump my 12.2 database and import back on my 12.1 everything is fine and everyone (user and admin) can choose is own theme.
Also they are no missing parameter in prefs.php > Configuration > General

I’ve got the same problem after updating to the latest version of TTRSS just now. I’m using MySQL tho. Only the user/login settings are there, just like in the screenshot.