FeedMei, a clean and minimal theme

For those who would perhaps like to check out what I concocted: GitHub - ltGuillaume/FeedMei: A clean and minimal theme for Tiny Tiny RSS, loosely inspired by Feedly. This repo also contains some plugins to improve navigation and an update script.

Not enough contrast. Greys are stylish but hard on the eyes.

Yes, you’ve got a point there. I’ve increased the contrast a bit already, but since I want the focus to be completely on the articles (I rarely look at the feed tree anyway), the toolbar and feed tree will keep that lower contrast.

Beautiful. Reminds me of Reeder with which I read my feeds.

Thanks! I’ll keep it updated for changes in new tt-rss commits.


Added a night mode and wrote a plugin that allows using “Toggle night mode” for custom themes:


v2.0 now fully supports all view modes and adds a serif font for articles contents (via FeedMei+.css).
This theme can only be used in Tiny Tiny RSS v19.2 or later.

Okay, TTRSS won’t recognize this theme for me. Or most other themes. I put the stuff from themes.local into themes.local, and I get nothing. What am I doing wrong?

What version of tt-rss are you running? It’s tested with the most recent commits over the last half year. Any version within that timespan should work.

Version 18.12… as installed on my hosting server by Softaculous.

19.2 and 19.8 have been released since. There used to be some string that checked for compatibility, but I’m not sure that was still used in 18.12. Do other themes, like Feedly, work?

@ezequiel I just installed 18.12 via Softaculous to try it out. I had to add the line /* supports-version:18.12 */ at the top of the .css for it to be listed, as I suspected (see previous post). However, too much has changed in tt-rss since, so I’m only supporting 19.2 and later.

Oh, sorry I didn’t respond sooner. Don’t worry about it. I’m going to try a manual version upgrade of tt-rss later on.

Cool cool! :slight_smile: FeedMei’s repo includes an update script that automatically downloads the latest commit and cleans up some stuff (unused plugins, languages etc.). It’s mainly for personal use, but perhaps it could be of use to you as well.

@ltGuillaume Well, I am seriously considering just learning how do write a damned CRON job, so I can use the News Reader plugin for NextCloud, like I had originally planned to before I tried out tt-rss. But because you’ve been kind enough to help me, I went ahead and tried out your script, and it worked flawlessly. I’m a little bit in love.

Also, the newer version of tt-rss looks great, and so does your theme, now that I’ve truly seen it in action. Excellent work.

Thanks for your kind words! Hope you’ll like working with tt-rss :slight_smile:

About that update script, I hope you saw that it deletes all plugins, except for the ones that have their name in the $keep_plugins array. Just so you don’t end up either without the plugins you want, or with outdated plugins of the 18.12 version that were still in the plugins folder (it won’t delete any files that were already present before updating).

Never really checked out the News plugin, even though I’ve been running a server with Nextcloud (ownCloud) for years. But then again, I find most plugins too spartan and I end up using Nextcloud just for filesharing and WebDAV :crazy_face:


You’re welcome.

About an hour ago (tt-rss commit https://git.tt-rss.org/git/tt-rss/commit/4ab3854aede3882779138d91594b588e1a38c70e), default.css was removed, as themes/light.css is the default theme. v2.1.8 of Feedmei is now using that file as base. So please update Feedmei only when you’re running that commit or a later one.

@fox On your wiki Tiny Tiny RSS – Themes the screenshot does not show anymore, sorry about that. New links:

Screenshot: https://codeberg.org/ltguillaume/feedmei/media/branch/main/SCREENSHOT.png
Screenshot (dark): https://codeberg.org/ltguillaume/feedmei/media/branch/main/SCREENSHOT2.png
Codeberg: ltguillaume/feedmei: A clean and minimal theme for Tiny Tiny RSS, loosely inspired by Feedly. This repo also contains some plugins to improve navigation and an update script. - feedmei - Codeberg.org

(It’s still mirrored to GitHub - ltguillaume/feedmei: A clean and minimal theme for Tiny Tiny RSS, loosely inspired by Feedly. This repo also contains some plugins to improve navigation and an update script.)

fixed here for the time being - Themes · Wiki · Tiny Tiny RSS / Tiny Tiny RSS · GitLab

static wiki is going to update when i’ve fixed the script to use gitlab. done