Echo waiting 'until' db is ready

I’m trying to run my own instance of Tiny RSS and for that, I followed the guide fox/ttrss-docker-compose/src/static-dockerhub/

I ran the first three commands:

git clone https:// ------- /fox/ttrss-docker-compose.git ttrss-docker
cd ttrss-docker
git checkout static-dockerhub

Made a copy of .env-dist to .env and the only thing I touched was this:


because it will allow me to access Tiny RSS from other computers connected to my LAN.

I didn’t change anything else because that’s the first time I run docker (after watching many many videos) and I just want see it running. Later I will make things correctly.

After that, a ran sudo docker-composer up

[oldbear@lpt-fedora ttrss-docker]$ sudo docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                             COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                     NAMES
1e85ef171ae1        cthulhoo/ttrss-web                "/bin/parent caddy -…"   19 minutes ago      Up 2 minutes        80/tcp, 443/tcp,>2015/tcp   ttrss-docker_web_1
d240c4ffc915        cthulhoo/ttrss-fpm-pgsql-static   "/"            19 minutes ago      Up 2 minutes        9000/tcp                                  ttrss-docker_updater_1
935773c702db        cthulhoo/ttrss-fpm-pgsql-static   "/bin/sh -c /startup…"   19 minutes ago      Up 2 minutes        9000/tcp                                  ttrss-docker_app_1
24070f0512c3        postgres:12-alpine                "docker-entrypoint.s…"   19 minutes ago      Up 2 minutes        5432/tcp                                  ttrss-docker_db_1

And unfortunately, I’m stuck on a loop with the messages below:

updater_1  | + pg_isready -h db -U postgres
updater_1  | db:5432 - no response
updater_1  | waiting until db is ready...
updater_1  | + echo waiting 'until' db is ready...
updater_1  | + sleep 3
app_1      | + pg_isready -h db -U postgres
app_1      | db:5432 - no response
app_1      | waiting until db is ready...
app_1      | + echo waiting 'until' db is ready...
app_1      | + sleep 3
updater_1  | + pg_isready -h db -U postgres
updater_1  | db:5432 - no response
updater_1  | waiting until db is ready...
updater_1  | + echo waiting 'until' db is ready...
updater_1  | + sleep 3
app_1      | + pg_isready -h db -U postgres
app_1      | db:5432 - no response
app_1      | waiting until db is ready...
app_1      | + echo waiting 'until' db is ready...
app_1      | + sleep 3

And because of that, I keep getting error 404 when I try to access http:// ----- :8280/tt-rss

Thank you in advance.

tt-rss container can’t access the database container (or db container is not running). why? could something with your docker setup, related to networking.

try entering app container and pinging db.