Easier translations with Weblate

Done. Easier than expected. Weblate is a nice tool.

Hi there,
I am not receiving registration confirmation e-mail.
Registration e-mail is same as my community one.

sorry about that, recent migration broke weblate email sending. if you can, try resending the email (i’m not sure how this works exactly) and it should work.

Thanks, registered successfully, but cannot edit translation.

@fox I’d also like to contribute to tt-rss translations. My username is the same on weblate: xnor.

@xnor, @pietro

you two should have translation access now.

@fox My username on weblate is the same: tonyrl. I would like to contribute Chinese (Traditional) translations for both Tiny Tiny RSS and Tiny Tiny RSS for Android

i’ve added you to necessary groups. sorry for the delay, i got distracted and forgot about your post.

Sorry for bumping the topic. It seems weblate is also affected by the re-initialization of Gitea

git@git-[WEBLATE].tt-rss.org: Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.

oops, my guess would be I got weblate user auto deleted.

e: should be fixed now, i think.

I am registered at the weblate and would like to contribute to the german translation.

My username is: muhkuh2005

i think i’ve added you but it seems that weblate devs broke their group assignment UI (it’s impossible to tell which groups belong to which projects…) so i can’t tell for certain.

I seem to be correctly assigned, thank you :slight_smile:

Hello Fox, could you add me to the tt-rss project on weblate? I’d like to start Belarusian translation. My username is lassana. Thanks

sure, PM me if something is working wrong. weblate is a bit opaque.

Hi community! (first message here)

I’ve translated ttrss to my language (gl) on weblate; translation has been imported to code (I’ve also checked on my server’s version) but it is not available to select it. It also happens to other 2 languages (count in UI dropdown menu is 29 and on code is 32.

So my question is, should language selection be “enabled” to be selected? if so, where?


most language codes are identified like “xx_XX” but some (as “gl”) use only this short code. Could this be an issue? should my language (as an example) be identified as “gl_ES” to be automatically available for UI language selection? thank you.

FYI, on a side note, right now weblate instance is down.

new translations need to be manually added to the selector, i’ll try to take a look at this later today. thanks for your work!

that happens sometimes, container gets updated or something and it just dies. again, thanks for reporting.

edit: weblate should be up now.

not sure about other translations (I haven’t checked) but I’ve enabled Galician translation:


if you want me to use a translated language name, tell me and I’ll update it. for now the UI label is in English.

:ok_hand: many thanks for taking care of this issue :pray:

Please use “Galego” as label. Thank you

done, thanks again for your work!