Easier translations with Weblate

Wished to contribute, but then saw that my email would be open for all to see and deleted the account. Sorry.

You could just use a throw-away email… Doesn’t everyone have a Gmail account for garbage mail?

Thanks for that instance of Weblate.

French translation is over.

And Weblate is great.

excellent, thank you and other people who are helping with this
much appreciated

Thanks for the opportunity to contribute!

I suggested some corrections to Italian labels of Android app.


I recently did some translations for the Android app. There is one string (org.fox.ttrss/​src/​main/​res/​values/​strings.xml, string 24, at line 33: “<string name=“blank”></string>”) which is just a empty string. Obviously, it is not possible to translate this. This leaves any complete translation at 99.6%. Is this string really necessary?

probably not, i’m not sure where it’s even used
i’ll take a look tomorrow

imagine being so butthurt you go and do something like this:


looks like the barrier of entry was not high enough.

i’d like to thank everyone who helped with translations while weblate was available but it looks like we’re back to gogs pull requests for the time being. i apologize for the inconvenience but i can’t be realistically expected to veto submitted translations on merge because of people like the above.

the point of having weblate was semi-automatic integration via git, if i have to review everything anyway, at least with gogs someone can’t just login using google account and start shitposting right into translation files with zero effort.

I know it is almost unrelated to tt-rss, and I might google it, but I would prefer not making mistakes:
could it be possible to update the faqs with a step-by-step guide on how to help with translations?
I registered on https://git.tt-rss.org/ (same username as here) but I am not sure which file I should edit and how to “upload” the translated one.
I could help with Italian, but never used git in my entire life :frowning:

it is unfortunately not as simple as that. you’ll have to (if we’re talking pull requests on git.tt-rss.org):

  1. register on gogs, get necessary permissions, clone the repository
  2. find the relevant .po file (locale/it_IT/…/messages.po)
  3. open it in a text editor or a specialized .po editor
  4. make changes, commit
  5. push into your cloned repo and make a pull request on gogs

oh and there’s also translation merging and shit which requires gettext command line utilities like msgmerge and knowing how to use them.

it is a really shit workflow compared to weblate unless you’re already familiar with git and gogs but i’m not sure what other friendlier alternatives are there which won’t need me babysit yet another overbloated website and won’t be as easily exploitable.

maybe i could enable weblate back but have whitelisted translator access, somehow.

e: ideas? anyone?

alright, seriously, after looking at the above post i see that i can’t force people through this shit. i guess i’ll have to bring back weblate somehow.

update: weblate is back, if you get redirected to this forum open something like weblate.tt-rss.org/?1 or clear your browser cache. i’ve set relevant projects to protected which means i’ll have to manually add users.

i went through translation commit history and added owners of last hundred translation-related commits to tt-rss and tt-rss-android subprojects. if i missed you or you’re not on the list or something doesn’t work right, post here and i’ll take care of it.

in the future, i suppose, there’s going to be a manual contributor sign-off involved, something like currently used for gogs.

i’ll try to update contributing.md tomorrow with something more coherent.

I find that funny, heh. Pushed someone too far. Getting what you give :laughing:

I do not know how you can integrate it in your workflow, but I have seen other open source projects using Crowdin - free open source license

i’d prefer to not use a hosted services unless absolutely necessary, i like tt-rss.org being mostly self-contained.

also, see above.

whoever sows seeds of shit, reaps the seeds of shitposts :effort:

updated the OP with more relevant info / instructions.

Please add username Eike as German translator for Tiny Tiny RSS and Tiny Tiny RSS for Android.

done, i think.


Yup, works so far. I only have one issue with this string. No clue how it should be translated or if it’s corrupted as the translation source in the current git shows:
<string name="blank">" "</string>