Always show "Recently read" list

Is there some css that will always display the “Recently read” list and only that list?

Every browser I’ve tried on my tablet will reload the page when I switch back from another tab. I’m hoping to quickly return to the article I was reading before that happened. Of course it’s always the first one in the “Recently read” list.

I couldn’t find a way using styles. But I was able to go to the “Recently read” list rather painlessly by adding links to the keyboard shortcuts help panel.

See Keyboard Shortcuts help - #2 by john4096 - Development - Tiny Tiny RSS: Community

There’s an android app as well. Did you try that one?

Could you show a screencast or a screenshot of an undesired behaviour?

Here is what happens.

  1. I’m browsing a feed, and in an article there’s a word or a person I don’t know.
  2. I select the string and on the popup menu I tap “search”.
  3. The browser switches to the new search tab and defines the word or identifies the person. All good.
  4. I close the search tab or tap the “back” button.
  5. The browser returns to the tt-rss tab.
  6. The tt-rss tab is reloaded.

Instantly choosing the “Recently read” list gets me back to where I left off reading the article when I did the lookup search.

I’m not claiming it’s tt-rss that’s causing the behavior. I suspect it’s android or chrome/firefox/opera.

I’ll try to reproduce in the demo and take screenshots.

what kind of tablet? you don’t have enough RAM.

btw, that would be pointless, tt-rss has no control over any of this.

After a good night’s sleep, another solution occurred to me. If I make the initial, default list “Recently read”, when android/browser reloads the tab I’ll be back at the article I was reading. In Feeds.js:

  if (hash_feed_id != undefined) {{feed: hash_feed_id, is_cat: hash_feed_is_cat});
  } else {{feed: -3});

I changed “{feed: -3});” to “{feed: -6});”

Thanks to How to change home page from `Fresh feed` to my label or my feed? - #3 by mazzy

You might be interested in trying GitHub - supahgreg/ttrss-remember-previous: Remember your last-viewed category or feed , rather than manually modifying JS.

Thanks for the suggestion. I find my solution more useful for my problem. I am returned to the article I was reading. And with 1 tap, I’m back in the last viewed category or feed.