Advice on Update Frequency

I’ve some feeds which don’t update frequency, so if I mark them to check once a day and other feeds by default, does it mess up the working of the daemon? Is it advisable to keep different update frequency? I just want that update daemon may prioritize those feeds more which updates frequently. Any advice on that?

or If TT-RSS is smart enough to lower down the priority of feeds automatically which doesn’t update frequently?

No worries. The update daemon will check on each run which feeds need to be updated.
I have about 180 feeds and have set different update frequencies depending on how often there is new content.

[19:00:02/783] Scheduled 106 feeds to update...
[19:15:02/20574] Scheduled 12 feeds to update...
[19:30:03/31997] Scheduled 18 feeds to update...
[19:45:02/14945] Scheduled 105 feeds to update...
[20:00:02/26789] Scheduled 26 feeds to update...
[20:15:02/14300] Scheduled 18 feeds to update...
[20:30:01/27153] Scheduled 101 feeds to update...
[20:45:02/8390] Scheduled 14 feeds to update...
[21:00:02/19715] Scheduled 19 feeds to update...
[21:15:02/6101] Scheduled 104 feeds to update...

Why there is so much variation in your feeds count?

trying to predict how often the feed would update instead of making a simple http if-modified-since request seems like a lot of effort for very little gain.

As you can see I run the update daemon every 15 minutes but most feeds have an update frequency of 30/60 minutes or higher. That’s why in between only those with a frequency of 15 minutes get updated.

That’s understandable. Thanks

Bringing up this old thread: I would find it pretty cool to make the updater in auto mode more deterministic, e.g. check the average time between the last 10 enties… but I believe there would be plenty of better approaches for a good algorithm.
I think anything would be better then a static entry.
@fox: Anyway you reconsider?


The problem is that relying on the dates of articles in the feed is not accurate. It’s one of the reasons TT-RSS also tracks when it inserts an article into its database. Content providers are notorious for messing up the information in their feeds.

What would really need to happen is that TT-RSS needs to track the frequency with which the feed has significant changes (i.e. how often do articles appear in the feed that TT-RSS has not seen before). TT-RSS kind of does this already (see the above paragraph), but it means that every time the feed is fetched the timestamps would have to be pulled, subtracted from one another, then averaged to calculate the next ideal update time. It’s not necessarily difficult or anything, but it is extra work for very little gain.

Or you could just leave everything as the default and not worry about it.

I pretty much just leave everything at 15 minutes. I make one exception, for things like YouTube and comics, I set those to 4 hours because I know they’re not updated often. If a feed supports it, TT-RSS will properly handle 304 Not Modified responses so there’s little worry about stressing a site.

good luck with that.