404 errors with cache_starred_images

After using cache_starred_images plugin for a while, I recently noticed the cached images don’t actually load. Is this plugin still working correctly for other people?

What happens:

  • Images load fine before I star the article.
  • After starring the article, images no longer display - whether reading in Firefox or in Fiery Feeds.
  • When opened directly, the URL returns 404.

Additional info:

first of all, cache_starred_images is partially broken in a docker setup because of GLOB_BRACE requiring glibc, which alpine doesn’t use. the code relying on it should be rewritten but i haven’t done it yet. so you’re going to run into warnings when it tries to expire stuff.

that said, i’ve just tested it, and caching/rewriting part seems to work properly under docker.

try opening tt-rss directly without your reverse proxy, especially if its an nginx 404 you’re seeing.

e: if someone bothers to rewrite the GLOB_BRACE part i’ll gladly merge the PR :slight_smile:

Using internal host/port in the cached image URL ( http://192.168.x.xx:8280/public.php?op=cached_url&file=starred-images/300005-9bc09f137e7c6ee6c0f78fac96ba55090f5a7619 ) results in the same error. Or were you suggesting something else?

Also wanted to add that other ‘public.php’ functions work correctly – e.g., bookmarklets and the Published feed.

well, your URL is incorrect, my docker-compose setup has tt-rss in a /tt-rss/ location, you’re using /.

in any case, check container logs.

I had changed some configs to eliminate that /tt-rss/
Reversing those changes, of course, seems to have fixed the problem.
Should it be possible to change the path and not break stuff?

“I broke things and decided to not mention it”

sorry, you’re on your own now.